Yassin Mohamed



School Student & Web Developer.

I am a front-end programmer currently pursuing my studies at one of the most esteemed educational institutions I have had the privilege to attend. I have a profound passion for website development, with a particular focus on crafting interactive web applications, including games. Throughout my educational journey, I have actively engaged in numerous competitions, showcasing my dedication to front-end programming and web development. My commitment to honing my skills has been further exemplified by my involvement as a video editor within the school's media team. This role has provided me with invaluable opportunities to harness my creativity and technical proficiency in multimedia production. Consequently, these experiences have led to a string of noteworthy achievements and accolades, highlighting my continuous growth and success in the field.


Coding is today's language of creativity, All our children deserve to have a chance to become creators not ocnsumers of computer science.

HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 55%
Pixel Art 80%
Applications 50%
Photoshop 45%


These are all my achivement certificates till now.

  • All
  • Academic
  • General


If you have any questions for me or any inquiries please contact me through the info below.
